"Hands-on" legal counsel with a very broad law experience, excellent interpersonal skills and analytic capabilities of legal issues. My technical skills are focused on contract drafting and legal assistance in relation to civil law and tax matters.

I am the Vice-President of the "Corriere degli Italiani": a weekly newspaper issued in Zurich.

Furthermore I am a contributor to "la Rivista": a monthly magazine of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland, based in Zurich. I release new articles on labour law on a monthly basis. These will be posted on the website with links to the original article.

I offer consultation both in person,as well as online and phone. More Information is available under "Services".

My recent articles

La tutela dei dati personali nei luoghi di lavoro



In Parlamento si attende con grande trepidazione la discussione sulle proposte relative al salario minimo legale.

La legalizzazione dell’esercizio della prostituzione tra diniego della Corte Costituzionale e aperture legislative 

La vicenda dei riders al vaglio della giurisprudenza




Contact me

Dr. iur. Paola Fuso 
Via Cresperone 11
6932 Breganzona |  Switzerland 
Tel: +41526401157 |  M: +41786480810
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